Dakota Access Pipeline: Oil Dependency vs Cultural Democracy

Last week, authorities defended their decision to douse protesters with water during a skirmish in subfreezing weather – causing at least seventeen protesters taken to the hospital – sparked anger all over the U.S. and gained more attention from government, media, and people towards Dakota Access Pipeline. Dakota pipeline is stretched 1,172 miles from North … More Dakota Access Pipeline: Oil Dependency vs Cultural Democracy

AADHMD: Ada Apa Dengan Harga Minyak Dunia

Tahun 2015 kemarin bisa dibilang tahun yang sulit untuk industri minyak di seluruh dunia. Rata-rata harga minyak tahun 2015 berdasarkan OPEC menyentuh USD 49.15/barrel, turun 48% dari tahun sebelumnya (referensi: harga minyak). Penurunan yang cukup signifikan mengingat tahun 2012, harga rata-rata minyak mencapai USD 109.45/barrel. Beberapa tahun terakhir (2015 ga termasuk ya, DUH) merupakan tahun-tahun keemasan buat industri minyak … More AADHMD: Ada Apa Dengan Harga Minyak Dunia

2013 in review

The WordPress.com stats helper monkeys prepared a 2013 annual report for this blog. Here’s an excerpt: A San Francisco cable car holds 60 people. This blog was viewed about 1,300 times in 2013. If it were a cable car, it would take about 22 trips to carry that many people. Click here to see the … More 2013 in review

Catatan Awal Tahun.

At first I wanted to make a ‘Catatan Akhir Tahun’ post, but since the end of the year was a hectic one, I couldn’t make it. But maybe I can start this post by reminiscing the year of 2013. Well, It’s not a great year I admit it, hahaha. More downs than its ups. 2013, … More Catatan Awal Tahun.

Ocehan Pagi

So, Here I am sitting in my office, waiting for the boss to come. All of sudden, I opened Youtube. and watch this. J.K. Rowling, Oprah Interview And then Va Va Voom!  Kita semua, atau kebanyakan dari kita, pasti merasakan momen-momen setelah lulus, dimana semua hal ada di pundak kita, semua keputusan, semua keinginan. Whether … More Ocehan Pagi


“Kalau boleh saya beri saran, be reliable ALL the time” BOOM. I forgot being criticized. It’s been a while since someone gave me a feedback. I am not kind of person who hard to accept stricture of course, but this time it’s different. This criticism comes from someone that I really look up to, my … More Feedback

After Graduation!

Akhirnya setelah sekian lama bisa nulis juga.. Setelah perjuangan Tugas Akhir yang panjang dan melelahkan.. It all comes to an end… 4 tahun yang lalu, eh 4.5 tahun yang lalu, ga kepikiran juga bisa ‘lolos’ dari perkuliahan di teknik mesin ITB ini,  dari orang yang kecebur, dan ga ngerti apa-apa mengenai dunia perteknik-mesinan, agaknya merupakan … More After Graduation!